博客來精選推薦Teaching Emergent Bilingual Students- Flexible Approaches in an Era of New Standards
Teaching Emergent Bilingual Students- Flexible Approaches in an Era of New Standards
Teaching Emergent Bilingual Students- Flexible Approaches in an Era of New Standards 評價
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Teaching Emergent Bilingual Students- Flexible Approaches in an Era of New Standards
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Recent educational reform initiatives such as the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) largely fail to address the needs--or tap into the unique resources--of students who are developing literacy skills in both English and a home language. This book discusses ways to meet the challenges that current standards pose for teaching emergent bilingual students in grades K-8. Leading experts describe effective, standards-aligned instructional approaches and programs expressly developed to promote bilingual learners’ academic vocabulary, comprehension, speaking, writing, and content learning. Innovative policy recommendations and professional development approaches are also presented.
- 作者: Proctor, C. Patrick (EDT)/ Boardman, Alison (EDT)/ Hiebert, Elfrieda H. (EDT)
- 原文出版社:Guilford Pubn
- 出版日期:2016/09/07
- 語言:英文
Teaching Emergent Bilingual Students- Flexible Approaches in an Era of New Standards